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Join the 24 hour economic blackout sponsored by The People’s Union

Join the 24-hour Economic Blackout on Feb 28th and for just ONE DAY do NOT make any purchases, do NOT shop online or in-store…

Feel the Power of the People!

Protecting Rhode Islanders – Standing Up to the Powerful

Join the Jamestown Democratic Town Committee as we welcome Attorney General for Rhode Island Peter Neronha for a community conversation.

Tuesday, March 4th – 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Jamestown Philomenian Library

All are Welcome!

Okay Democrats. Yes, we lost an election. Yes, we need to talk about why. Yes, we need to get ready to win the next one.

Right now, there is work to be done and it’s not going to be easy. The wholesale capitulation of the Republican Party to a self-aggrandizing billionaire is mind blowing. We all know that the only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to him.

Stand up. Push back. Speak out. Resist. Whatever you want to call it. We call it doing the right thing. We call it good trouble.

In the United States of America, we also call it Democracy. Times a wasting, let’s get back to work!


Keep informed. Find out what is going on locally and at the state level. Click below for informational links to what is happening at the State House  & more. 


Make your voice heard. Contact your representatives. Click below for a list of local and state representatives and make your voice heard!


Empower Organizations that do good work. Click below for a list of state & local organizations working for the well-being of all Americans.


To Journalists, Activists, Bloggers, News Analysts and Truth Seekers. Click below for a list of news sources that are worth paying attention to.

Get Involved

We want to hear from you…

The JDTC meets the second Monday of every month to discuss issues, talk to candidates, and find dedicated Jamestowners who are willing to serve in elective and appointed positions in town. Check the calendar for time and location information. Guests are welcome, contact Deb or Melody for information.


To find out more contact:

Melody Drnach, Co-Chair

Deb Ruggiero, Co-Chair

or to write us:

Jamestown Democratic Town Committee
PO Box 111, Jamestown, RI 02835

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