Randy White
Town Council
Randy White and his wife, Julia Held, began living full-time in Jamestown forty years ago. For thirty-two of the ensuing years, Randy served as a criminal prosecutor for the Rhode Island Department of Attorney General, having been re-appointed as an Assistant Attorney General by seven successive Attorneys General, both Democrats and Republicans. During his tenure, Randy prosecuted jury trials of the state’s most serious criminal cases; at various times headed Department trial operations in Providence, Kent, Washington, and Newport Counties; and was a Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division.
After retiring, Randy ran for and was elected to the Town Council in 2018. His years as a trial lawyer prepared him well for the job, and he has earned a reputation for his thoughtful, even handed, and common-sense approach to decision making in his first term. His fellow councilors admire his forthright willingness to address the toughest problems and thorniest issues, whether it is ensuring the town’s water supply or rewriting the dog ordinance. Having learned a lot in the past four years, Randy knows there is much more to learn and to do, and he is eager to continue his service on the Council. He asks that you support him with your vote in November.